Human Resource Management


Employee Leave Management

Employee Leave Management

Approve / Reject Leaves of Employee


Employee Full & Final

De-Activate An Employee

Deactivate Employee From Employee Master

Re-Activate An Employee

Re-activate Employee From Alumni to Employee Master

Employee Full &Final Clearance

F&F of employee

Issue Experience Certificate to Employee

Provide Experience Certificate to Employee After F&F

Employee Financials
Define Employee Salary

Define Monthly Salary Earning & Deductible

Employee Payslip Generation

Generate Employee PaySlip for the Month

Modify Employee Monthly Salary

Modify the Salary Details of Employees

Employee Tasks
New Employee Registration

New Employee Addition in to the system

Employee Master (Search Employee)

Complete Employee Master and Search an  Employee

Employee Attendance Management

Update Employee Attendance Record

Teaching Class and Subject Mapping

Map a Teaching Staff Member to a Class

TimeTable Creation

Create Timetable and Allocate Classes to Teachers